Working recently with a 40’s Mexican guy. Asked him if he’s married or has kids. He slowly sighs and shakes his head. Says it’s not even worth trying. It’s too hard , too expensive, women always want more. Doesn’t even try to have a relationship with a woman.


A truck driver about 50 tells me he’s married but it’s not worth it. He felt sorry for his wife when he met her, got her pregnant then married her. Says she’s acting really weird going through menopause. Says all women same no matter culture, age, class etc. says his friend is getting divorced for second time “I’m like, didn’t you learn anything the first time?!”


MGTOW is everywhere, in spirit anyway. Any guy I talk to it’s the same. Ones staying married are rare and mostly unhappy and stressed. Two families I know just in past 6 months wife divorcing. Husband bummed, wondering what went wrong.

Young women I see are all promiscuous heading straight towards the wall, totally un marriageable. Older women are all decadent self indulgent boomers cheering on the causes and depressed about the results.

Just my random field report



@southpole21 Like this video men are no longer interested and try to not interact with women.

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