
Not only is BRICS planning to ditch the U.S. dollar, they are convincing other countries to follow the same path.

If the de-dollarization trend picks up steam, the U.S. dollar will be the hardest-hit currency in the markets.

Read here to know how many sectors in the U.S. will be affected if BRICS ditched the dollar for trade.

He warned that the U.S. outsourcing its manufacturing units will soon lead to its decline and make way for developing countries to rise.

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@Stahesh It may not have happened or at least could have been significantly delayed if it wasn't for our brilliant leadership making business impossible on our land. That and we lost our image of invincible power on the seas.
@Stahesh Im sure Jews, Corporations and the current central banking cartel will just give up its power struture to another group


BRICS is totally jews in control
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