I told my Muslim cousin I wouldn't even know what I'm saying if I prayed in Arabic and he said "you just gotta feel it"

Which honestly makes me wonder if the 5 daily prayer ritual triggers an epigenetic expression or neuroplastic adaptation that contributes to Muslim faithfulness


@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner Yea fait is retarded it is like copium even if it is not true believers still cope

Like christians get fucked every day but they cope that it is fait to suffer.

I believe in the WIIL and the WILL is mine

Because there is no existence I know other than me and universe

No other is in my mind except myself😇

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@LysanderMooner @VeganMGTOW Suffering comes from existance and complexity.

Because that what create most of the negativity.

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