Can someone remind me how TFM got Halsey on his show.

So far he acts only as news specialist that promote government propaganda like on any TV news.

Like TFM talks about news or what happen and Halsey actually you are wrong even thought the facts beat you in your face.

@Stahesh Halsey mysteriously appeared out of nowhere after DDJ stabbed TFM in the back. It was like a rebound for TFM, except it never ended. Somehow, Halsey enjoys more status than Shogun and other folks who have been around for much longer.


@Mongoliaboo Yea compare to Shogun or horstwat that have something to add.

Halsey just want everyone to agree with him even when he is full of shit and everybody tell him he is wrong and start to rage like little kid.

Another JQ mystery.

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@Stahesh @Mongoliaboo
Ngl, I enjoy listening Halsey spewing all the jewish lies on the constitutional show. It keeps the listeners and even TFM aware of the spread of the total corruption of judaism through history.

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