
European states do not receive raw materials, but rather the refugees from these war zones.

Globally, the European states are increasingly losing their reputation in many areas

Energy will also become very expensive for ordinary citizens, which will lead to further social and public problems.

A massive increase in crime in major European cities has been observed over the last few decades and can also be statistically proven.

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@Stahesh my rent went up 15% last year merely due to cost of energy. everything is getting ridiculously expensive(a bottle of ice tea is 2€-2.15€, coca-cola about the same, snickers bar is 0.9€, mcd bigmac is 4.4€, mcd double big tasty is 6.9€, mcd royal double is 6.3€). winter is coming, i wonder where we'll get gas, especially after ukraine closed down the pipelines to sk and hu.

@Stahesh Western Europes security and by extension its economy, is directly tied to the decline of the big GAEs global hegemony. They’re both frantically importing brown people in an attempt to slow down the collapse.

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