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The closest thing to me fedpoasting (ie. breaching Brandenburg vs Ohio), was when I said what should be done to pederast vermin who prescribe puberty blockers and mutilation to pre-pubescent children.

SYNTH & CHILL returns - 06.25 - 6pm EST
Hr 1 - Nostalgia mixes & fun with logic gates
Hr 2 - Forbidden Planet retrospective & analysis
Hr 3 - Sci Fi film potpourri

New format, same show. Hope you to see there.
@epictittus Nonsense. Earl Butz was ourguy and he incentivized the transition to industrial farming because it would be cheaper. Watch King Corn, which is intended to smear the entire industry, yet it makes the economic case why large single crop farms became the norm.
It's almost impossible to beat cheap or free.
Reality that makes people big mad, my domain specific knowledge version.

Movie industry peaks between 1939 and 1955. Dozens of all time classics produced. In 1955 television reaches around 50% of households. It begins eating movie ticket sales. Industry tried 3D (polarized glasses version - the red-blue were a later cheap version), widescreen, stereo, higher resolution 70mm, exclusive engagements, reserved seating and refusing to sell features to be shown on TV.

They failed. 70mm stereo beaten by black and white standard def on a 10 inch screen.

That's family farms vs. industrial farming.
Someone who is active in the church said something along the lines that if you look at any mens group the message is "men are trash" and women's group messages are the same strong & independent woman BS "...with Jesus"

"Men are supposed to lead" okay how about telling me what to do with what God gave us, even the stuff that girls think is yucky
the reasons the pastors are saying this is because they don't want to do their job.

Their job is to fight against a society which destroys men. They instead decide to whine that they can't appear to be doing their job if no men at are their struggle sessions.
@Kalogerosstilitis2RevengeoftheJunta Seeing what was done to Golden Dawn (the one group in all of Europe and America that had a track record of actually KILLING ANTIFA, along with massive quiet LEO/mil support) disabused me of the notion of a "political solution" a long time ago
@cough We'll have to see what it looks like when it docks. If it's covered with tarps or the deck has a plywood construct sitting there it got hit.
@jb If it confirms some 'outlandish conspiracy theories' it will harm the pig system's reputation.

Beyond a certain point all feds have to ditch their fedgov license plates if you catch my meaning.
@KarlDahl becareful before the eternally online weirdos cry about Fedi culture or something.
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