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Polaris EVA suit in-space test, NET July 12, 2024.

"It won't be too long after the NET date. We will provide updates soon but we are getting really close. All major joint sims are complete. We have final suit ATP tests this week in the chamber, then refresher sims right before entering quarantine."

A panorama depiction of an Earth-like exomoon orbiting a Jupiter-like exoplanet in the temperate zone.

Another Earth-like exomoon is depicted in its sky.

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Constitutional Republics are fine, if they're sufficiently homogenous with a unified elite, and a secure state religion (jews not allowed in power choke points).

The Most Serene Republic of Venice lasted for a thousand years.

Sea level Raptor 2 engines for Ship upper stages.

(From EveryDayAstronaut)

If you're on a supposedly based website or fedi instance, and you see simps in high positions or influence (ie. Myles Poland), that's a bad sign of enemy activity.

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The nig nogs weren't a problem for technological races for 40,000 years... until the jew took over, especially when the jew took over America.

Why did naive Amerikaner elites hand America's war machine to the jews in the 20th Century?

Because it started with simping for women.

Elon Musk's SpaceX, China, Russia, Iran, and just about every country and organization run by technological races, and not run by jew corporations, is advancing in critical military technologies.

People really should be getting less blackpilled now, and with more rejoicing instead.


That is probably the entire fighting force of the US military.
And they don't want to join the illegitimate military

Talked with young millenial and Gen Z White rural Southern men recently.

Every single one of them thinks that the United States government is illegitimate.


Andrew Anglin and Azzmador (RIP) are genuine dissidents.

Zhuque-2 prototype doing a landing.

Zhuque-2 is a methalox reusable booster, in development in China.

Nope, I got fooled. The photo that was here was a Shenzou-12 stage that fell in China June 19, 2021

The photo has been deleted.

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“Ship 30's heat shield is being completely replaced with new upgraded tiles and ablative material below each tile to protect against the heat of reentry. Also, construction of the second launch tower continues at the Orbital Launch Site.”
~10 minutes

NSF video link:

“Afghanistan is the only country in the world that bans girls from school beyond 6th grade.“


Women only need to be able to read a cookbook. So they can prepare meals for their husbands and their husbands’ children.


Daily Stormer Stories for Saturday 06-15-2024
Clearnet Edition

1) This Joe Rogan Show with Tim Dillon is Pretty Edgy, Actually

2) Putin Effectively Declares “Total War” as West Holds Goofy “Peace Summit” Without Russia

3) Bastion of Diversity: Boeing Investigated for Using Fake Titanium in Crucial Airplane Organs

4) Afghanistan: Teen Sluts on Suicide Watch After Dreams of Cock Quest Obliterated

5) Minnesota: Black Catholic Antisemite Candidate Attacked for Playing Gaddafi Speech Comparing Taliban to the Vatican

6) Government Wants More Subsidies for Already Heavily Subsidized Marijuana Industry

7) Bishops Calling for Church to Address F-2-M Trans Monk Controversy

8) Bump Stocks Back on the Menu as SCOTUS Rules ATF Can’t Make Laws

9) Aquatic Tranny’s Dream of Going to the Olympics Shattered by Brutal Transphobia

10) US “Sanctions” Israeli Group for Blocking Aid Convoys Heading to Gaza

11) Austria: Moslems are Now 35% of All Primary School Children in Vienna

12) Australia: Police Arrest Teen Over Creation of Deepfake Porn of Schoolgirls

13) UK: Independent Candidate Jailed for Refusing to Pay Covid Fine

14) China: #MeToo Slut Sentenced to 5 Years on Unrelated Sedition Charges

15) San Francisco Declares Itself Tranny Sanctuary

16) Pope Francis Says “There is an Air of Faggotness in the Vatican”

17) Wisconsin: Two Female Teachers Try to Organize Orgy with School Boys

18) Protesters Chant “Long Live Intifada” Outside NYC October 7th Rape Temple

19) Germany: 95-Year-Old Ursula Haverbeck is Back in Court for Another Crimethink Trial

20) The US Government is a Criminal Gang with No Legitimate Authority to Rule the American People

General rule on sex crime accusations and “MeToo.”

If there’s no police report, it’s completely fake.

I don't think bad is strong enough a word here. Imagine the headlines:

#Starliner Crew Rescued By #SpaceX Dragon (f h)

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.