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Leftist coronahoax swallowing hypochondriacs fearing movie theaters nudging content rightward. lol

'Hollywood has not recovered from the pandemic (in part because pandemic closures were followed by two lengthy union strikes against studios). Ticket sales so far this year in North America total $4.3 billion, down roughly 35 percent from the same period in 2019, according to Comscore, which tracks box office data.

'As studios try to climb back, the heartland represents a specific opportunity. Ticket buyers in red states were the fastest to return to theaters after the pandemic, while those in coastal cities were the slowest. Some large markets, including San Francisco, have not fully recovered, according to studio distribution executives.'

Falcon 9 booster B1071 lands for the 17th time after another Starlink mission (9-4).

“rape lover said that”

Women fantasize about being raped by alpha male chads.


The only marriages that would be allowed by @Myles and his Godcast feminist crew, is that of French President Macron’s marriage to a granny.

Macron is totally a heterosexual, yo.

Falcon 9 return to flight.

Livestream starts in 2 minutes.

Spaceflight Now Livestream:

Ship 30 conducts its 2nd static fire, in preparation for IFT-5 orbital test flight.

@Starprophet great article on it:
1. anonymous bureaucrats find assassination appealing because it's very disruptive to "dictatorships" but bureaucracies are immune to it.
2. anonymous bureaucrats are wrong about this, because dictators have a high risk tolerance but bureaucrats have very, very low risk tolerances.

If anybody is curious.

Normalizing political assassinations and political prosecutions of your political opponents, is very very bad for republican forms of government.

Once the precedent is set, it doesn't get unset.


Elon Musk has vowed to destroy you people who trooned out his son.

It's a promise.


You are not allowed to normalize political assassinations, then demand that the other faction disarm and hand over their guns to your DC/NYC masters.

When political assassinations get normalized in a republic, they don't get de-normalized.

You are now a combatant. You don't get to play "I'm an innocent civilian" in the 2nd US Civil War.

Things haven't looked this good for the White race in North America since July 2017 and all I see is misery.

Keep it out of my notifications or it's blockin' time.
I don't talk to 'jews have infinite power' posters.

They serve the jews whether they know it or not.

New Glenn booster forward section. It is 7 meters in diameter.

@dogslurp Very controlled but smartphones mean there will be no hiding any procedural shenanigans or floor fights.
@bloggerski Using your planetary meme engines to make the holohoax the ultimate evil then proceeding to commit real genocide against a racial minority not the smartest move.
@sickburnbro Congressional staffers are almost all Team A, including GOP staffers.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.