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What do anti-Trump guys with windmill of frenship banners think Kamala is going to do if she steals the election?

Pajeet-nigger-woman is a trifecta of malice and White nationalist men are her antimatter infinite enemy.

WAI video highlights: Ablative heatshield of a Dragon spacecraft. Note the trunk interfaces are actually wooden ablative plugs.

WAI video highlights: Ship 30's new heatshield at its forward fins. Ship 29 had burn-thru at its forward fins during re-entry, but it survived to make swan dive landing (much like SN15 did).

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk #WAI

@DemonSixOne All this subposting was generated by the sneering contempt for modernity and progress expressed by Corey and Hans in the latest Myth of the 20th Century.

Every leftist lie against progress was rolled out, including the bullshit about CFCs destroying the ozone layer.

I think Judgedread was referencing this Myth of the 20th C video here. Where technological advancement was being attacked.

Myth20thC video:

The Boeing Starliner debacle, and all those doors and wheels falling off Boeing aircraft, are a reminder that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion leads to ZOG’s MILITARY IMPOTENCE.

#DEI #Diversity #Military #Weapons


I see that @[email protected] and his mugicha feminists are going after The Don.

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