Popp and I did extensive research on this way back in 2010. We're looking for the original broadcast. We even tracked down Erin Pizzey and got her on the phone for an interview.

Women initiate 72% of all divorces. The predominant reason is: "I'm not happy".
@HockeyDoxie Assuming she is divorced, the female in a failed marriage initiates divorce proceedings approximately 60-70% of the time. The most common reason given is not "adultery" or "abandonment" but "irreconcilable differences". This is a euphemism for "I'm just not HAPPY buhu"

So I'm pretty sure she chose her fate
only 4.5% of men get to choose who they have sex with

only 20% of single men get regular sex
@TrevorGoodchild "I want to share my life with someone."

Bitch, what life? You're 53. It's never been more over. There's nothing left to give. You offer nothing but bad life decisions and a dried up box.

Stick to Botox, box wine, and poor masseuse prostitutes you old leather handbag.
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A club for red-pilled exiles.