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The Global South Africa Plan ended on March 14, 2024.

First re-entry attempt by a SpaceX Starship upper stage.

Mach 25 re-entry heat shield tiles of Ship 28, and its engine bay with 3 sea level Raptors, and 3 vacuum Raptors.

IFT-3 orbital test flight is scheduled NET March 14, 2024.

0700 CST 0800 EST

Trajectory for IFT-3. Scheduled for NET 14 March, 2024. 0700 CST 0800 EST.

Nikki Nimrata's presidential campaign has squatted over a street, and pinched a loaf.

First launch attempt for IFT-3 orbital flight test has now been scheduled for NLT 0730 CST, 0830 EST, March 14, 2024.

Livestream at X link (if you have an X acct):

Jim Murphy's concept of a Crew Starship people tank, compared against Ship 28's payload section. The three passenger decks are shown with launch, boarding, and sleep/cruise modes.

Side and windward views of the full orbital stack of Ship 28 and Booster 10.

Engineer inspecting the chopsticks while Ship 28 awaits stacking.
- February 29, 2024 -

Booster 10, before entering Megabay 1 for maintenance.

(Screenshot from What About It video)

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.