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a rat was able to defeat learned helplessness and mfers out here ready to give up on their purpose because of "hardships"


@TrevorGoodchild @AmonMaritza @Jewpacabra I think we're all ready for it

every one of these useless faggots that winds up being mailed to the Bohemian Grove Post Office in a large number of very small boxes with " ❤️ From Russia, With Love ❤️ " stenciled on the outside of them represents another degradation of Globohomo's human resources that can only enure to our benefit

Reminder that if you remove the jew thumb from the concept scanners the whole world is sick of their shit and won't miss them a bit.
Israel overrun scenario:

Israelis are not Ukrainians. They're cowardly and weak. Many will flee when the line breaks, and the line will break.

We'll find out for sure if they have working nukes.

Hamas showed the way, Hezbollah will take tens of thousands of high value hostages and dare anyone to fuck around and find out.
@Alex_Linder If they overran it and held it? Anyone involved in the rape of Gaza would be executed. The rest would be reduced to dhimmitude, which is better than they deserve. Also all descendents of those driven out in 1948 would be given the right of return, while the law of return for kikes would be abolished. They might even deport most recent arrivals.

If the US went all in to drive Hezbollah out... total war with the Muslim world, possibly escalating to full themonuclear war if Russia made good on their promises to Iran.
@CliffSecord I assume some will adopt genetic scramble shells and be deep in the tunnels for some time. Only the most powerful biosifting technology will root them out, so it could take a while.
Lmfao ok so we're going to play the game of who has more exposed and available family members and loved ones

Cool :SadisticNagatoro:
@Jewpacabra Really conflicted between wanting to ask him how many wars he's won and how confident he is that his wife and kids are secure enroute to home daily
@epictittus 4 Government guaranteed loans. In any other situation no one would loan an 18 year old $10k with no plausible path to profitability, as is the case with most starry eyed idiots who go in with no plan.

Without the government guarantees tuitions would be forced back to market levels. If accreditation was still so valuable colleges wouldn't have been dying like rats in 2008-2010.
@epictittus Even if Israel has 1000 nukes they will never exercise the Sampson Option. If they tried it every White man on earth would hunt them for sport for the next ten thousand years.

Never mind if they nuked Mecca...

The closest thing to me fedpoasting (ie. breaching Brandenburg vs Ohio), was when I said what should be done to pederast vermin who prescribe puberty blockers and mutilation to pre-pubescent children.

SYNTH & CHILL returns - 06.25 - 6pm EST
Hr 1 - Nostalgia mixes & fun with logic gates
Hr 2 - Forbidden Planet retrospective & analysis
Hr 3 - Sci Fi film potpourri

New format, same show. Hope you to see there.
@epictittus Nonsense. Earl Butz was ourguy and he incentivized the transition to industrial farming because it would be cheaper. Watch King Corn, which is intended to smear the entire industry, yet it makes the economic case why large single crop farms became the norm.
It's almost impossible to beat cheap or free.
Reality that makes people big mad, my domain specific knowledge version.

Movie industry peaks between 1939 and 1955. Dozens of all time classics produced. In 1955 television reaches around 50% of households. It begins eating movie ticket sales. Industry tried 3D (polarized glasses version - the red-blue were a later cheap version), widescreen, stereo, higher resolution 70mm, exclusive engagements, reserved seating and refusing to sell features to be shown on TV.

They failed. 70mm stereo beaten by black and white standard def on a 10 inch screen.

That's family farms vs. industrial farming.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.