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@DonLegaracci Most important thing: You never gave up.

Most resistance to kike propaganda flares up for a year or two then fades away.

Gun guys, anti-abortion fanatics and gamers are some of the few who have prevailed against the universal kike terror machine.
@InvictusManeo Ending women's civil and political rights is enough. Collectivism for industry doesn't work very well.
RedPill on Women: Reposting this epic rant.

” Rant: The frustrating thing about women (even WN women) is the clinging to feminism and assumptions therein. Men work hard, build, protect, conquer, guard their societies against foreigners and interlopers, create art, music, everything. Why? It's their 'duty' in society, it's their end of the bargain. They're supposed to receive something in return. In a normal functional society, the societal framework is such that they can go and reasonably court a young virginal loyal female to get married to and start a family with. That's the entire reason they're working hard in the coal mines and dying in wars, etc.

Feminism removes entirely the motivation of men to do... well, anything. No one wants to die to protect a society where only 30+ year old spinster cat whores are available. Women reneged on their end of the contract, they rejected their 'duty.' Yet they still yell at men for not fulfilling their half.

But you approach most WN women and tell them "hey, if we just restore the patriarchy and get rid of feminism, no sex before marriage, no "no fault divorce," strict punishment for adultery, no child support bullshit, no "co-ed" schools, vastly reduced women workforce, no voting, etc. then men will, on a macroscopic scale, have a reason to work, to protect, to drive off the jew menace, and restore White birth rate" they'll reject it.

That's what hoeflation means: 100 years ago a dirt-poor farmer was virtually assured to get married to a virgin young woman and get married for life and start a family. Now you have to go to the gym and get jacked, make 6 figures, have a 12 inch dick, be a rockstar, and you still can't find a woman worth shit. You may be able to pursue transient hook-ups but to settle down, still have to wait til they're 33 y.o. and burnt out on the cock carousel.

Women don't even consider what White men even want. Debt-free virgins without tattoos, not fat, loyal, feminine, submissive.

What excuse do they have? "Oh, it's White mens' fault that I'm not a virgin because I dated Billy Shitbag when I was 16 and he told me he loved me and wasn't going to leave me unlike the last 10 girls he banged and I believed him." Yeah, that's why we have patriarchy to arrange courtships and you don't go around on the cock carousel for 20 years.

The inanity of it. Why the fuck do you think our ancestors did shit for thousands of years if it wasn't important? I guess the jewish feminism bullshit overwrites our ancestors for them. Think of the absolute disdain they have towards the average White man that they wouldn't be happy settling down with them and trusting them with their welfare and safety. In pursuit of their hypergamous lust and male competition, they'll destroy everything.

The fact of the matter is, until the natural incentive structure and hierarchy is restored, absolutely nothing will save the race. It's really up to us men to do this though. Women will never agree to it because women are children and can't understand male sacrifice and motivation. They want their cake and to eat it too.”

Update! :emergency:

Looks like Revolver will be ready before then so Baest is going to migrate to Revolver instead of shut down.
@jb This is where the racialist/religionist divide is starkest.

If you prioritize Christian morality Trump and Kamala are identically depraved. Whoremonger vs. whore in the world series of love.

But if race matters Trump is the only sane choice.

Ship 31 heat shield closeup at the forward fin area.
(screenshot from bocachicagal)

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk

Never trust a laptop brahmin that has tattoos, especially armsleeve tattoos.

It's a red flag similar to women with tramp stamps.

@AmonMaritza Yes. But we need 2,1 kids. Women like that just have 1 or 2 tops. Not enough. And money is only part of the issue. Many women/families can afford one more kid but don't want the hustle. True i believe paying people for one more kid will yield results but we need to gut women's rights as well as incentives for family building. Nobody talks about that. Only white country that is barely wispering it is Russia but it's still whispers.

" I'm a White Christian in the South."

🤣 Actual White Christians I met IRL in the Deep South were able to instantly answer multiple choice Redpill on Women Questions. You LARPing fakes responded with Jezebel Magazine talking points.


Hopper Relocation Preparation and Chopstick Work Continues | SpaceX Boca Chica
~10 minutes

NSF video:

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk


I know you're a fake right winger. You people pushed feminist talking points on my FSE TL in 2023.

Nobody on Mugicha has anything in common with actual White Christians in the South.


If you to pretend to be a “based right winger,” maybe you should tell your supposedly based hatchet men to stop posting feminist propaganda.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.