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These vermin who got me and Neofugue1 jannied are now posting pornographic images to me on private messages.

American McChristianity is obviously fake.

@Charles_in_Charge That's pretty much a 'Christ is king' move. That is to say utterly impotent. Inside right wing Christplex there are hundreds of memes that seem white hot with lightsaber through butter power for which the normie beskar of indifferent ignorance is quite sufficient.
@Starprophet1 The doctrine is clear, women are to marry, have children and obey their husbands and men are to rule.

But you say that in most churches and they'll throw you out.
Has it occurred to you that without jew signal boosting the Moral Majority would have been about as successful as the Scopes Monkey Trial in boosting fundamentalism?

I'm trying to get past the culture distorters to the underlying correlation of forces.
@Alex_Linder The good news: Radio is dead.

That's why GenZ was the last Christian zionist cohort. FCC can't control messaging anymore.

Now that vermin have employed censorship against me, my block policy has gotten more strict. There will be no amnesty.

I used to block only spammers, trannies, and treacherous glowniggers. And any who brigaded on their behalf.

I'm fine with people disagreeing with me, but any detected malice will get the block without warning.

Azzmador deleted his Poast account because the block feature doesn't fully prevent vermin from posting under his posts or quote-poasting him. He uses his face and real name, so it could have real world impacts on him.

For me, I'm just a nobody anon. So it's not an issue to me.

The Sola Scriptura Brigade on Mugicha believe in God/Jesus Christ as much as Richard Dawkins and Tammy Faye Bakker does.

Just a reminder.

Post an image of a woman that could be 17 to 24 years old, and all the McChristians will pedojacket you until the jannies kick you off.

A reminder McChristians, you people will never have power anywhere. You're puppets of the kikes.

Ship 26 uses its static fire to test new flame trench at Massey's test site.

Ship 29 engine bay. (Photo from Fabian Ramirez texas_lizard)

IFT-4 orbital test flight is currently NET June 6, 2024.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.