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The increased jew awareness on the left is the product of a basic premise of the left, anti-colonialism. The pig system had given permission in advance to criticize any massacre of non-Whites by a colonial state. Why not carve out an exception for Israel? Non-Whites simply would not have it. This was true in the days of the OG Black Panthers who were already Team From the River to the Sea.

This can be papered over when genocide is slow but events always set it off.
@DMA Youtube Red had the worst marketing fail I ever observed personally when their annoying ad shown before films shilled for a tranny 'reality' show. I saw this ad many times and whenever there were more than a dozen people in the theater there was audible discontented grumbling.

Only fat nigger sows are less popular.

If you were someone who is posting flat earth and "space is fake" from your Starlink internet connection, while using your phone's GPS, you are arguing in bad faith and out of malice.

Men can do everything women can do except the actual bearing of children and other female specific marital duties.

Women can't do at least half the jobs men can do, many of them essential to maintaining technological civilization.

@ohyran You can't answer me. You knee jerk into defensive pandering and reflection, but let me put it to you even more harshly. When he gets his dick chopped off, and can't experience sexual intercourse or pleasure any longer. Are you going to be there to regrow it for him after telling him it's a good thing to lose? When his corpse swings from a rope by his own hand because his life is ruined, you going to take responsibility for being one of the men that murdered him?

Photo of SpaceX Crew Dragon, as seen from a window of the Boeing Starliner.

Maybe Putin will nuke DC and we can take it all back.
> this subtly implies scripture is insufficient
One only need look at the mental gymnastics employed to justify women teaching in the church to see the SBC decided long ago that scripture is insufficient

Polaris EVA suit in-space test, NET July 12, 2024.

"It won't be too long after the NET date. We will provide updates soon but we are getting really close. All major joint sims are complete. We have final suit ATP tests this week in the chamber, then refresher sims right before entering quarantine."

A panorama depiction of an Earth-like exomoon orbiting a Jupiter-like exoplanet in the temperate zone.

Another Earth-like exomoon is depicted in its sky.

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Constitutional Republics are fine, if they're sufficiently homogenous with a unified elite, and a secure state religion (jews not allowed in power choke points).

The Most Serene Republic of Venice lasted for a thousand years.

Sea level Raptor 2 engines for Ship upper stages.

(From EveryDayAstronaut)

If you're on a supposedly based website or fedi instance, and you see simps in high positions or influence (ie. Myles Poland), that's a bad sign of enemy activity.

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The nig nogs weren't a problem for technological races for 40,000 years... until the jew took over, especially when the jew took over America.

Why did naive Amerikaner elites hand America's war machine to the jews in the 20th Century?

Because it started with simping for women.

Elon Musk's SpaceX, China, Russia, Iran, and just about every country and organization run by technological races, and not run by jew corporations, is advancing in critical military technologies.

People really should be getting less blackpilled now, and with more rejoicing instead.


That is probably the entire fighting force of the US military.
And they don't want to join the illegitimate military

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.