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Unfortunately so long as it is socially taboo to be a White nationalist this wretched lot is what we're going to have to work with.
@nierenstein On the contrary 90% of those reading this would be thrilled to learn of my death.

My dear fellow Whites.
GOP normies: Welcome fellow MAGA, have some burgers.

Watch for Hunter to turn up dead.

Got to clean up any loose ends.
Now that easily available tools are exposing the fake Biden audios expect his address to be canceled and Joe to never appear alive again before the sad trombone plays one last time.
@TrevorGoodchild If he's either incapable of resigning or in a complete senile old man stubborn rage and refusing this would explain the forged letter.

In this helpless state they can autopen anything required then... night of the MyPillow.
Kamala got locked in as nominee so fast I didn't even have time to predict it.
Kamala for president is the triumph of logistics over politics.
@Clapp In Europe you'd have free or near free healthcare. Yet birthrates there are even worse, and this includes White to White comparisons.

So it may be the money for you, and even for most US Whites, but some other factor manages to drag White birthrates down even where you have ultra-welfare state support as documented by many leftists. I recall in France there is a government program to help new moms do their laundry.
@TrevorGoodchild 'No, Kamala, you're still a dumb post-wall nigger ho, just five years uglier.'
@judgedread I'm sure the "loving, kind, and complimenting wife" mod pack will be the most popular mod
If you are malign you get blocked, always.
Possible, though if that's the American Sun I am thinking of they are hyper blackpilled chartposters.

It does show that you should never use a social media manager.

@GoyGirl In countries where health care and all education are paid for with progressive taxation fertility rates are even worse, so it's not about the money.
If humans aren't replaced entirely by machines the cultures of the future will dispense entirely with free range sex choice.

The patriarch will arrange marriages and you will be required to produce grandchildren or else.

Because the fertility rate of high tech societies once they fully play out halves population with each generation... and we don't even have sexbots or high grade CG AI girlfriends yet.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.