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Strategically Trump playing it low key right now makes sense.

He will drop bombs in the last two weeks before the election when people will remember them on election day.

Ship 30 completes a spin prime test, in preparation for a static fire. The static fire is for a swap of one of the Vacuum Raptors.

#Space #Astrodon #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk

Does Gavin Newsom actually believe in the jew Team A garbage that he occasionally espouses in public?

Whiteknighting for women, putting women on pedestals, then treating women as if they’re equal to men… is the rotten foundation of tranny psychosis.

WAI video highlights: Raptor 2 vs Raptor 3. Note that multiple flanges have been removed from the new design.

#Space #SpaceX #Starship #ElonMusk #WAI

When a scientist says something about some profound (supposedly) new theory, disregard it until an engineer does something with it.
Note I am not saying the dim nigger whore Kamala truly understands the jews.

I'm saying the men controlling her campaign do.
At the highest level everyone understands the jews.

Proof six gorillion in a series:

Shapiro losing out to Walz.

Walz brings nothing to the table. Trump wasn't going to win Minnesota.

But PA is a swing state, and Shapiro is alleged to be popular there. Why not pick him?

He's a jew, simple as. Voters are 98% not jews and given a chance to closely examine a jew, as happens in a presidential campaign, they find themselves uneasy. There is something off.

Also jews have legions of assassins and you don't want to be the one living creature standing between a greedy jew and more power.
@judgedread @brokenshakles I hope they paid Rivers well, because he completely lost the trust of his online followers.
@petra Yes.

The advent of complex production processes explains the great divergence between the higher and lower races.

Islam used to be a peer civilization.

Not anymore.
Warrior virtue gets you power. General virtue gets you mediocrity.
@Shadowman311 The value of dogma is it takes many bad things off the table entirely.

The downside is people eventually forget why something became a dogma in the first place. In the case of faggotry it was so much worse than anyone imagined in 1980.

1981 should have been a wake up call, but it wasn't.
Elon Musk said he sought the meaning of life in religion and found nothing convincing.

He preferred atheist Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
@jb No one likes Kamala. Also an indicator that internal polls are dire.
@VikingWays Kamala chose someone who won't inspire anyone to remove her.
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