As expected, the "Christ is King" glowies are salivating over the possibility of porn websites requiring an ID verification. These people are the definition of controlled opposition. Women aren't having enough kids? Ban men's outlets! Jews are nuts? Submit to rabbi Jesus! Democrats are bad? The Father of Vaccines will save you. What a joke.

Nick Fuentes, Alex Jones, Vincent James, etc. All agents of the disease.


@Based_Accelerationist At some point you see the insanity and you decide what options you have for there is only so much that you personally can control.

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@TenaciousGoat The only option is trying to survive and not fall for any of the psyops.

No one is coming to save us, not Trump, not Jesus and definitely not China and Russia. The West will be completely destroyed, those who stay won't make it.

@Based_Accelerationist Where are you planning to move to? Any ethnicity that suits your fancy overseas?

@TenaciousGoat I'm already where I planned to be, although there's no guarantee it will be safe. I have no preference for any ethnicity under the current circumstances, geography, population density and laws are more important to me. Being isolated from the rest of the world is the most important thing, no matter how this war turns out. If places like Alaska sound too extreme, consider living on an island, anywhere as long as it's remote, has natural barriers and low population.

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