the word simp seems to be quite overused these days. so lets get it right - being a simp means defending or paying for a woman that is not yours.

@Justicar What about paying a women for her services like a maid or prostitute? Context; I've used prostitution services before and I'm thinking about hiring a maid for my lazy ass.


@Justicar Well, I was curious of your opinion whether or not I would be classified as a simp to you?

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@TenaciousGoat paying for sex or maid is not simping. you would be simp if you paid and got nothing in return.

@Justicar That's the way I see it too. Paying for a service that I want is supply and demand. It also seems like no matter what service is involved with women the man always pays. So now the question is what is her service worth? Because I can pay other women to do her job if she refuses thus creating a market for it.

@Justicar @TenaciousGoat

"Simping" goes way beyond the transactional. I don't even think of it as a mindset but an entire worldview.

I know this because as a Gen-Xer I was immersed and raised in simp blue-pill culture 24/7. I used to be that guy.

The most accurate definition I can come up with is this:

Simping = Chivalry + Feminism

Chivalry alone used to be enough to be a simp, but not today. And Feminism alone is not enough either. Simping requires both.

@UncleIroh @TenaciousGoat i said simping is also defending a woman that is not yours. i think white knighting also used to be transactional - you protect a woman, she spreads her legs(or invites you to dinner, or whatever in those times) - you both get something out of it. nowadays, there is no actual threat to women, so modern white knights are just simps. plus, we have police and other facilities and services. so there is no real reson to protect strange women on the streets anyway.

@UncleIroh @TenaciousGoat that pepe is good example why the current society is failing.

@Justicar @UncleIroh @TenaciousGoat

simps are creeps who think doing token acts should get them sex
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