@Tfmonkey The sequel nobody asked for. 🤭

Anyways, what are you going to post about? Link the TFM show & Morning constitutional starting? Promoting geek outfitter? Geopolitical updates? Market updates? Health updates? Funny memes?

@TenaciousGoat I don't know yet. I'll probably do what I did on Twitter last time, but I'll try to stay out of the spotlight by not engaging with anything that's going to get articles written about me, which is how I got kicked off last time.


@Tfmonkey If I may make a suggestion; try to post creative works. I think we live in a society of consumption, and it ends up leaving us empty. The creative process is a good balance to this.

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@TenaciousGoat I haven't been painting much since my rheumatoid arthritis struck, but I'll keep that in mind.

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