Would it be wrong to assume that food aid to developing(brown) countries is a major reason why these poor as fuck places are booming in population?
In 1984 there were only 434 million sub saharan africans in the world, now there are over a billion. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12266940/#:~:text=Abstract,reach%201.4%20billion%20by%202025.
There is no reason for that population boom to occur other than it being driven by western aid, mainly food+medical aid.
Free KFC drives nigga fertility?
@ToyotaTime Think about it. What happens when you feed a stray animal, it comes back for more food. What happens once that animal reproduces and then comes back for your food this time with its family and you continue to feed the animal. What pattern does this lead to?
@ToyotaTime If your race can’t farm, natural selection has a way of fixing that it’s called dying off.
@TenaciousGoat @ToyotaTime Yea like any other animals that have free food will just bread like rabbits
For reason they are stupid and starving
Like fire that will consume everything until it burns away
But west use it as free labor to mine african resource
Because why would we make beeter infrastructure, pay more to wester workers and take over basically free land.
Do not know why humans are so retarded to advance in evolution and technology we must be like retarded animals with technology