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Speaks for itself

This is a comment from the gateway pundit. It’s when leftists posed as nazi’s to stir up trouble at a Trump boat rally.

A friend and I went fishing today. I managed to catch a fish, it was a fun day. (My friend blocked a lot of the shot with his thumb)

It’s Caturday! I also have the weekend off! It’s been so long man…

Here’s my cat Figaro doing his thing.

They didn’t turn out like in the video, but I accomplished what I set out to do.

Eggs boiled, sitting in cold water I put in the freezer.

Today marks 5 years with my waifu, and her fifth birthday. Here to many more happy years together.

Credit to Terrance Pop

He said too many men think like bitches.
Here’s a guide for those who want to think more like a man, and less like a bitch.

TFM also has a quote on the bottom that I like.

My Mom gifted me a $50 Amazon gift card for my birthday, and I invested the money into this work bench. I thought I share if anyone else thought about lifting weights from home.

When I worked at a previous job, a dude told me about this app called obsidian. I use this app to organize my thoughts and journal. I have been doing this for awhile. This is what my template looks like.

Thought I share if anyone was interested

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.