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What is worthy?

The Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

see - worth. What we’ve determined to be worthy is destroying us. Or better yet, what jews have told us to determine as worthy.

Every life doesn’t have worth. In fact, there are a lot of people whose death would actually provide more value to the world. Life in & of itself isnt valuable. It’s what that life does that has worth.

The idea that murder for the sake of murder being wrong is what Whites had deemed worthy for tens of thousands of years.
The idea that all life has worth & it’s wrong to kill a squad of niggers breaking into your home is jewish as fuck & is literally behind our genocide.

@TenaciousGoat work for the sake of working for yourself and yourself only

Haiku 4

Apathetic dreams
Moving through the foggy night
Hoping for the dawn


My mind split in two
Some days I’m with it, not now
Least tomorrow comes

@ColonReport Do it then, I think it will just fuel people’s appetite for these assassinations to happen more. Especially if they have to pay to protect some entitled rich fucks who couldn’t even pay for their own security.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.