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Now this might just be my intuition talking, but I believe Donald J Trump 🇺🇸 is looking at the United States constitution as a foundation for restoring America. Starting from the first amendment and working his way down. What happens when he gets to the 19th?

A boy eagerly awaits & bides his time away till he becomes a man & can move out of his parents house.

Without exception disappointment meets every man as they discover this world doesn't really value men or want them.

No wonder 80% of suicides are by men. This world gives men no soft quarters, little love, & little opportunity. To top it all off, almost all women who comprise 50% of the population think they are all a princess or queen.

The expectations of what is expected of men is ridiculous & unhealthy. For a man to expect a little bit of love & compassion is too much to ask for by this society.
I told my wife to shave her pussy.
I woke up bald.

Tags: 1900_1945, quote, jews, talmud, race, whites, politics, anti_white, communism, marxism, holocaust, jacob_schiff, karl_marx, leon_trotsky, media, olaf_aschberg, overrepresentation, tech, tech_censorship, usa, america, vladimir_lenin, white_genocide, wwii
Source: The booru is down for now
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@TenaciousGoat Losing the might of the Petrodollar and things increasing in price 40% will wake people the fuck up.

Tags: quote, jews, israel, mossad, subversion, usa, america
Source: The booru is down for now
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