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Men’s shoulder vs hip ratio and weight makes them tip over.

If you are not sure if someone is trans … let them do this test (on first date preferably)
Feel like pesky pattern recognition is going to eventually drive me completely and institutionally insane.
What does a perverted frog say?

Buddy on Snapchat sent me federal spending on 2023. The funniest point I’ve seen is 1.5 million on frog mating calls. Frog love 🐸 is more important than roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. You can’t make this shit up!

What did the boy with no arms get for Christmas?
I don't know, he hasn't opened it yet.
Ellen Degenerate is a pretty good actor.

Most psychopaths are.
This can't be emphasized enough, if niggers can't blame us for their failures then they must admit they're inferior.

Same for all intersectional enjoyers.

That is something they cannot do.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.