
Maharaj: There is nothing wrong with the world, but for the people who make it bad. Go and ask them to behave.

Questioner: Desire and fear make them behave as they do.

M: Exactly. As long as human behavior is dominated by desire and fear, there is not much hope.

And to know how to approach the people effectively, you must yourself be free of all desire and fear.

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@Tfmonkey What is up with you and the hippie shit? People are driven by jealous because of hierarchy in the community. This is why you should avoid them.

@VeganBob The irony of a vegan lecturing me about "hippie shit" is not lost on me.

@Tfmonkey Just because I'm vegan doesn't mean I am down for hugging trees and other leftist shit. I do it for health reasons. Eat as much meat as you want don't care...

@Tfmonkey You also completely dodged the statement too

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