Apparently a response to rollo tomassi. The length (literally) women are going to keep men on the plantation is both hilarious and concerning. Sometimes I wish one of these girl bosses would actually sit down and talk with TFM. Lol one convo is all it’ll take to debunk all their nonsense. But we all know exactly why that’ll never happen. @Tfmonkey

@Tfmonkey holy shit I listened to the first 5 minutes and it’s just ramblings of endless ad hominem. The comments are all positive so like damn people actually find this entertaining. Just another women wanting to have it both ways. But hey she’s quirky y’all totally not like the other girls as she desperately reminds you with every snarky remark.

@Tfmonkey i hate the fact that everything in the culture war is about debates. Like no one can actually do their own research & have a conversation. It’s all just bs posturing the loudest cunt that appeals to normies feelings is the “correct” view. No matter what happens for western societies future hard times are really needed for a lot of people & they really need to actually face the consequences of egalitarian ideals/utopia.


@Pain66 it's because normies don't think, they conform. They simply need to be told what the socially acceptable opinion is, and they'll conform. Thus "debate" serves as a popularity contest rather than a sincere search for truth.

They are made to be ruled.

@Tfmonkey I recently jumped back into online discourse after several months of ignoring most things. Suffice to say despite how bad things have gotten there are still so many ignorant people. Oh well got much better things to do with my time. Guess they’ll learn things the hard way. Unfortunately nothing else we can do for them.

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