@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey i know you're not much for debate prep but i hope youve actually prepared to deal with destiny's insufferable debate tactics. good luck

@CygnusX1 @PapaPole Yes, that's exactly why I don't "debate" anymore. I was told this was a good faith discussion and not a debate, and then was told I should be embarrassed for not 'proving' everything I'm saying with peer reviewed sources.

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@Tfmonkey @CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey @CygnusX1 @PapaPole stream was over the moment the women showed up. Cucktany who's in an open relationship needs the wall. "B-b-but muh sauces"
Yeah imagine needing souces on basic shit that's well known oh wait he means "peer viewed" nick picked that favors him.

@Yorsshitposter @PapaPole @CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey people like this are totally invested in their position and are unwilling to change their point of view. In this "debate" he's just looking for reasons not to concede any point tfm makes. Probably because he's too worried about the social (+ economic) cost of having an unpopular opinion.

@southpole21 @CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey @southpole21 @PapaPole @CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey Honestly it surprises me why anyone takes the comment section or just about anyone online outside of the red pill space which is gonna be filled with bitch made people, simps, and NPCs serious. Have the unpopular opinion and don't care about what others think and say about you unless you're a woman who operates off social credit.
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