@Tfmonkey We can't eliminate or dramatically reduce external validation because 80% to 90% of the economy is consumption-based. These luxury brands would go out of business if people were internally validated. Ferrari would lose most of its customers. Hence why Right-wingers like Valuentainment state external validation is the highest form of validation. Their businesses depend on it... Not attacking capitalism is the best form of economics...


@VeganBob The weak will always crave the safety and approval of the herd. They do not concern me.

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@Tfmonkey I don't care about others; however, to state that all we need to do is get rid of external validation won't work on a larger scale than the few people here. Even if a large portion of people became buddish and got rid of want, that would dramatically decrease consumption and crash the economy..

@VeganBob there is no way enough people will ever become enlightened and pose a threat to the economy. Why are you even bringing this up? Go frolic with the herd if you wish.

@Tfmonkey Why are you suggesting that getting rid of external validation is an answer??? You preach about it all the time. I am not preaching it...

@Tfmonkey Where do I get a fake clot-shot passport??? I know some people have them.

@VeganBob those won't work in the future. In 2020 they used paper passports with a QR code. They're going to be rolling out an app soon like they have in China that's tied to your identity (digital ID).

Shit or get off the pot I guess.

@Tfmonkey Yeah they have them in Europe. I was in France when they had the mandates. I know you can get a doctor to just sign you up, but they just don't inject you... Maybe I will try it in the Balkins.

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