Okay so I’ve been drowning in this thing for a while now,and TBH guys are kinda missing it.

You wouldn’t fault your CPU for being unable to render super high res games at 60fps, stop expecting women to see the world the same way that you do. They don’t see things the exact same way, that’s why we cover each other.

Guys will laugh at this bottle test like the girls are dumb but do the male version of obviously retarded, but gendered things like saying “well I wouldn’t say ‘I love you’ back because, like, I don’t really KNOW if I love you“ to their GF

I don’t expect my gals to have superb spacial reasoning, that’s not what they’re wired for. I take care of that stuff, and they end up helping me with the colors, the people, the stylistic choices. She can’t shape-rotate, yeah, but I can’t tell any meaningful difference between all 16 shades of white in her swatch collection, either

IDK about most of it but I’m interested in the similarity between ai chat robots and women’s mental landscape. I bet it is closer than you’d think.

@WashedOutGundamPilot I don't think women are NPC level by default, I legit think they are simply dumber than men. But it's less than a standard deviation so it's quite hard to tell at times.

@Dicer @WashedOutGundamPilot Dicer is correct. The bell curves you see where women and men are clustered around the mean while men having greater extremes are ALWAYS taken using children between 11 and 13. Why? Because girls start puberty at 11, while boys don't start puberty until 13. They do these IQ studies during this window on purpose to perpetuate egalitarian lies.

See Richard Lynn's studies that prove this.

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