
@spectre I assumed he was just another "alpha male guru' like Fresh and Fit or those dating coaches, but from what I'd heard, he isn't like that.

I just don't really care about him, but I suspect a lot of the people who constantly shit on him are just jelous of his success.

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@Tfmonkey @spectre while his main accounts are banned. Like Alex jones Tate still gets exposure through other peoples podcasts & clip re-uploads. The fact that that big tech isn’t going after him as aggressively as they went after you makes me suspect he’s just controlled opposition. Just another boogie man for the normies to rally against so they continue to support the regime to keep them safe from the incel terrorist.

@Pain66 @spectre I don't think he's controlled opposition, but I think they don't consider his message as dangerous.

It's the same reason the dating coaches, PUAs, and Incels are still on YouTube.

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