@Tfmonkey What did black people do to you? You must have been beaten up by a black kid while you were a kid. I was bullied by black people :SHHHEEEIIIITT: too. Let it go!!!!

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey
Insert Big Head Mode from the old school ps2 era games

@MaouYumisu @Tfmonkey Tyrone got to TFM. Don't know what he did but it must have been bad LOL

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey @MaouYumisu Who knows? Most people that hate a group had something happen to them. Black kids beat you up so you hate black people. Jewish dude rips you off so you hate Jews. Asian guy out earns you or won't let you cheat off his math homework so they hate Asians. People don't wake up randomly and say I hate black people...

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey Normies are actively fucking us over. Look at the clot shot feminism etc. These people will turn you into the Stasi when the govt says to.

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey If Martians landed on Earth would you automatically hate them???

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey What the fuck is a Martian? Is this some type of fictional race or something?
@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey Why would I hate the space alien? They haven't done shit to me so why hate them?

@Yorsshitposter @Tfmonkey That's the point. Black people did something to TFM for him yo hate them do much...

@Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Yorsshitposter Been listening for 5 years and he's so clueless he thinks TFM hates blacks. This is autism. Not fake internet autism. Real can't understand subtlety or nuance in conversations autism.

@Tfmonkey Even when black people try to become homeowners etc the govt still fucks them over and take their houses. This happened to Black Wall street etc. Blacks aren't innocent victims but just saying they just need to get their shit together while the govt is actively fucking you over is silly. michiganadvance.com/2022/07/01

@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey Kumquat cumcat. New Romanian recipe discovered on the show. Like with sexdolls, one can't discuss this luxurious dish with the random normie, but only with people in the know. The chinese.

@Tfmonkey I really am hurt TFM by you calling me stupid on international radio probably heard by millions of people. I really looked up to you. I have been listening to for over 5 years and sign up for your service and you just shit on me. I told you I am not trying to get into dick measuring contests like Destiny etc. I am on YOUR side. Literally paying you! 😒 How do you think you will create a small offgrid community if you attack your members? What is going to happen?

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey That moment only mattered to people in the know, and I am one of those people, so that shoutout on stream was fucking hilarious. TFM will be lucky if even 10,000 people listen to his show. Millions lmao.

Real talk. You're clearly emotionally insecure around TFM, who you see as your internet daddy. You have parasocial relationship problems. From his perspective we are random nobodies from the internet who know more about him than he knows about us. The sooner you internalize that fact, the less you'll wag your tail at him expectedly like a dog. Secondly, you're supposedly the hyper-individualist who don't need no community. You pretend to be a lone wolf on the internet and yet you're so emotionally fragile you're publicly falling apart. You're supposed to be going your own way and looking out for yourself, not publicly whining. TFM didn't even say it with malice. It was an observation. Meditate on that moment. Use it as a learning experience. Do something to improve yourself instead of crying to daddy because he didn't treat you how you expected. If you, who hates all communities and even family, can't handle criticism from your favorite internet celebrities, who you have an unhealthy emotional attachment to, then you'll never make it out there alone. Grow the fuck up. You'll predictably interpret this post as an insult, too. That's your immaturity. showing.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Butts world man BUTT out of this conversation. TFM said he carried about us etc. I have shared his channel with lots of based people and now I am going to buy a house cash money out of the US thanks to him. It just hurts that he called me fucking stupid when I just asked questions. Not trying to be a Destiny and ask loaded questions etc.

@VeganBob @Tfmonkey @VeganBob @Tfmonkey I have no idea who this Butts worldman is. Sounds like some faggot who I disavow. Never heard of him and don't want to meet him. I, however, am ButtWorldsMan. Based booty respecter and a literal nobody shitposter on the internet. Here's my card.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey This is why I don't believe in Communities. I can't trust people. If we were in our offgrid community, I would have been killed by buttsworldman and TFM for questioning Dear Leader.


This was a nice show. What did you do with that extra hour free time?

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