How would describe the difference in taste between Coca Cola, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper to someone who doesn’t drink soda?
@SerfnUSA I'd say Pepsi is sweeter than Coke, while Coke is more flavorful. I don't know how I would describe Dr. Pepper in that context since it's not a cola.
Is there something that makes a “cola” distinct from other brown sodas?

@SerfnUSA @redneonglow cola originally came form the kola nut, which was a caffeine-containing nut from Africa. However, it isn't used in soda anymore, probably because it was too exotic and expensive to import.

Modern cola flavor is made from citrus oils (from orange, lime, and lemon peels), cinnamon, vanilla, and an acidic additive.

I did find a cola that uses real kola nut here:

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