@YeetLibs The guy's in a rush, putting all his cards out there WAY too soon. This is the kind of thing you say after a year together, definitely not out the gate.

Maybe it's like a girl offering you anal on the first date? He's giving up his adoration way too easy. It's better to play it close to the chest, not give too much away, and leave most things unsaid. Chicks get off on the *uncertainty*, they want to savor the courtship -

(because of instinctual chase for thrill and a lifetime of jew tv programming telling them the "will they/won't they" phenom is the height of romantic achievement).

Don't give too much praise, just give an appraising look up and down with a smile and say "let's go". She picks up on all those tiny cues, unlike we do. She can tell where your eyes linger, she can tell when you trail behind her a couple steps so you can stare at her ass. You don't need to dump gallons of pussy-thirst on her.

It's okay, we all do it, though. I was like this for a bit too long, even at my most 'based'.

@WashedOutGundamPilot @YeetLibs He just complimented her looks and said she was smart. He didn't confess his love and start naming their future children or anything.

Maybe he went overboard by calling her "very smart" and saying that she looked "great". He should have said "you a'ight for a dumb bitch" and proceeded and choke and rape her in the Taco Bell bathroom.

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@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey @WashedOutGundamPilot you have to understand when you do that, women receive compliments at a much greater rate than men. You'll get lumped in a category with whoever she receives them from. Women don't want compliments

@Tfmonkey @YeetLibs I would bet he’s a ‘nice’ guy, just a little too friendly, a little too innocent, a little too suburban, and she’s used to running with dirtbags

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