@MelGibsonafter4Beers This is how you make someone a perma racist

no amount of programming can undo what these FILTHY NIGGERS did to that poor white student
@fightknightHERO Lived it my entire childhood , somehow became a White Nationalist later in life.

Freak coincidence , I know .
@MelGibsonafter4Beers my elementry school was the only school in the district that accepted niggers

20+ years ago schools still had the right to choose which students could enter their school
and the elementry i was assigned was the one that didn't just accept niggers, but wholly embraced them

even to the point where horrendous crimes against teachers would be forgiven because of "low social economic status" (i'm talking a second grade teacher getting pushed to the ground by a second grade groid, and that teacher was an angel of a teacher...)

like after you go through a 20-25% BLACKED elementry as a child there is no way to "un-racist" yourself

anyone who comes in contact with niggers is bound to become racially redpilled.
@fightknightHERO Basically why I stress that the , " Run away and become Luddite , " approach is a flimsy band-aid on a large festering wound .

If your calm little oasis of implicit whiteness hasn't been africanized yet it's definitely on a spreadsheet somewhere in an SPLC office.

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @fightknightHERO building communities is important, but those communities have to be "no-go zones" where the police don't go because the entire community will rise up against them.

Muslims form these sorts of communities all the time. You need enough people to keep the government from raiding and killing you all though (see Ruby Ridge, Waco etc.) but with 10,000+ or so, you'll be untouchable.

All the raw materials are present. All that is lacking is the will.

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