>"Inflation is transitory now that the pandemic is over"
>"Inflation is because of the supply chain"
>"Okay fine we'll raise rates but we don't really need to do this"
>"Okay inflation is still rising but it stopped accelerating and is sitting at 6.5%. Time to go to the most bare bones bitch rate hikes of 25 bps because again"
>"To everyone's surprise, seriously no one could have predicted this, inflation is rising again. We might need to do more than 25 bps hikes"
I think Powell and all economic "experts" "might" be a genuinely retarded.

@Shlomo colleges only train Keynesian economists because only the government hires economists, and they want economists who will supply their spending agenda, and not economists that will tell them its a bad idea.

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@Tfmonkey it's worse because they have so much academic narcissism that it's more accurate to label them insane.
@Shlomo @Tfmonkey Their models are just slightly better than everyone else, but much worse that any one else in particular. ;]
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