My hatred for the so called white angloid world just reached a whole new level. I truly despise the existence of the American world order. Fuck America, fuck England and fuck those so called white people who supports their governments which is harming us Europeans. I have more love for a nigger than you rats.

@Shlomo remember when a RAND paper said this was the intent of the Ukraine War last year and the entire media called it fake news?

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@Tfmonkey yep, the american world is the devil incarnated. why else does everything that corrupts the planet come from the hellhole of a country.

@Shlomo The American Empire is just the British Empire under new management when you think about it.

At least it'll be over soon. We just gotta close out the trilogy of World Wars.

@Shlomo @Tfmonkey we took on all those kike immigrants, and let them run wild for 80 years under economic liberalism, and watched their movies instead of watching them
@Shlomo @Tfmonkey with luck the njp and the other groups can turn things around in burgerland.
and if not, a single well placed bomb could also solve the american question.
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