@furgar It reminds me of the Racism flow chart where no matter what white people do, they're racist. The difference is that it's class envy and resentment rather than race envy and resentment.

@Tfmonkey @furgar
I don't get the whole debate. Being white is racist, so why bother and even use different words for the same thing. White person = racist.

Stating that is, of course, not racist, because judging people only by their colour of skin is racist,
unless it's done to white people, than it's racist if it's a positive judgement and truth if it's a negative one.

On the other hand, I am white, so this is a racist statement.

am confused now


@DCR @furgar It's called critical theory. It's a Communist tactic going back to the Frankfurt school.

The goal is to attack western culture from every angle possible, class, race, gender, sexuality, environment, etc. and tie everything back to capitalism in order to grease the wheels for a Communist Revolution.

Notice how while everything is about straight white men, it's ultimately always about Capitalism?

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@Tfmonkey @furgar

Frankfurter Schule is a just a part of it, "it" going back so much much further and deeper...

Actually I see ALL culture attacked, all races - I see humanity under attack, for a long time.

Capitalism, communism - those are labels.

Me, I'm an anarchist the way Mark Passio describes it. =)

@Tfmonkey @DCR @furgar Communism is Judaism. Or have you not watched Europa?
And critical theory is kike theory. All these kikes who got btfo outta Hungary cuz sex ed and went off to Germany.
Or you misse that point?
At this point. You Aint that facken stupid.
So.. you deliberately lying.
So.. you’re a kike shill shaytan.
Ayo. I’m just like two hrs from you homie.

I took your shit shilling before. But this blatant horseshit is lying. Ah. You tried
wahlahhis. May Allah guide my sword. You fackn useless tech faggot

@Deuces @furgar @DCR Rather than repeat myself again, I'll just challenge you to kill all the jews in the world and then be shocked when there is still communism.

Then I'll be there to point out that communism is built on the envy and resentment of the weak, and isn't the domain of any one weak and envious ethnic group.

The Jews got BTFO by Hadrian and were minorities in other countries for thousands of years, hence they're particularly envious and resentful, but envy and resentment is human.

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