
@rohrkrepierer @PapaPole Artists go where they can express themselves. The west has become anti-expression unless that expression is making women ugly and grooming children.

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@Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer @Tfmonkey @rohrkrepierer i dont know how much more youve played than FGO but have you noticed japanese freemium games are particularly less obnoxious than western ones in regards to their scummy casino mechanics?

@PapaPole @rohrkrepierer I think it's a product of cost. These mobile games aren't hard to make so they don't need to be overly aggressive to make a decent return on investment.

I suspect FGO cost significantly less to develop than games like Overwatch, for example.

I like the simplicity of a lot of mobile and indie games, and because they're cheap they don't need to bury you in microtransactions and gambling mechanics.

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