@sharutiaburaddofouren it’s funny how every girl basically confides that she wants a guy who makes her heart race with thrill-fear when he starts getting really angry

But everyone pretends they’re actually enthralled by pudgy emasculates

@WashedOutGundamPilot well there's the whole rape orgasm thing, but the tweet was in response to this quote. About the faggots who talk about "muscle mommies" and "tomboys" like it's not the gayest thing in the universe

That men are not allowed to talk about finding small and short girls beautiful, or being curvy and a bit chubby. Especially if you're my height and I won't ever approach a girl over 5'2". Fags on twitter desperately want it to be considered pedophilia for someone like me to date a girl more than a foot shorter than me and 10 years younger, and reddit demands you have sex with a steroidal freak with pixie dyke hair that's a guaranteed miscarriage machine
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