@skypage @TwistedEagle Yes, the Legend of Zelda: a story of a blonde haired hero who fights the big nosed King of Evil who is overly obsessed with pigs for some reason and whose banner is made of triangles.

It's all so obvious.

@Tfmonkey @skypage @TwistedEagle Have You seen the FnF the other day after benji jewpiro shitted on them niggas for their takes on marriage?
How can we have you do a stream w them. Like when Kevin simpuels did calls in?
Let’s make that happen. I wanna true streem of btfo cunts and collapse, sharia soon.
Hah. One of the nogs was a fed. The Pumba looking one was engaged to some escort from seeking arrangements and had a mental break on live some time ago when she broke it off

@Deuces @skypage @TwistedEagle I used to respond to Prager U videos, and nothing has changed since then. The Tradcucks are making the exact same arguments, so I don't think I need to go on the Fed and Simp podcast.

@Tfmonkey @skypage @TwistedEagle Not a response vid. Chit chat live. Call in. Them nogs do live streams all week. I want you on there. Disassemble their coomer faggotry and the current state of the world. And collapse soon, taking holes rights away.

@Deuces @skypage @TwistedEagle I remember when they were new (before they got exposed for being Feds and buying escorts) that people wanted me to make an appearance on there, and it never happened.

I'd rather just keep a low profile at this point. I've already said everything that needs to be said.

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