I was talking to a female recently about Disney movies we enjoyed as kids, and she admitted that she's never seen Pocahontas or Hunchback of Notre Dame because the female characters weren't white.

So all this "muh representation" nonsense is all because women lack the ability to think abstractly.

@Tfmonkey If that's the case, how are they all not racist?

@white_male Women are acutely aware of what is socially acceptable, and won't violate that, and they try to overcompensate by being overly woke, but only when it doesn't affect them personally.

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@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey @white_male Ana Kasparian of the young turks has complained about the California government banning gas and forcing people to get electric cars. She has to pay for it and whines all the government can do is say here's a tax credit. Uh oh it was fun virtue signaling before but now the problems are in her backyard.
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey They subsidize it enough for it to become net zero investment monetarily at about 5-7 years, just at the time when typical PV panel craps out.
You want green energy you do it on principle.
@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey @white_male She did it for free as many do in the cult of progressivism but once it hits home oh no think of my checkbook lol
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