I've found that most racists, sexist, whatever-phobes don't actually hate people for being people, they hate shitty people who do shitty things that are completely understandable to hate them for.

It's just that a lot of shitty people aren't white men.


@Deuces everyone is "right-wing" when it comes to things they care about and which affects them.

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@Tfmonkey Sure. Except same Yids scream no borders no wall. Welcome refugees in all white goy countries.
That’s a bit of a tiff.
I don’t have a racially pure ethnostate, sterilizing Nog wamynz so they don’t breed, like they do in Yidrael, while GoyAid and my NGOs are shuttling nogs into Haifa across the med

I seen this story yet

@Deuces This is why dual-citizenship is a really bad idea. People who are loyal to country B shouldn't be allowed to become citizens and vote in country A.

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