@wjmaggos asked how my beliefs deviate from conservative orthodoxy.

I grew up in a liberal environment and left it because I saw that what we said we wanted was never produced by what we were doing.

Consequently, I am more of the paleoconservative or European New Right vein of conservative, but am best described as a "roots conservative."

I see no need for the proxies of the last century or so.

So let me list them...


12. Eugenics

We cannot escape natural selection. Whatever we reward or tolerate, we get more of; whatever we punish, we get less of.

Now apply that to taxes, diversity, and so on.

We are engaging in eugenics whether we like it or not.

My solution is twofold:

(1) Stop taxing the intelligent and good, and encourage them to have more children
(2) Remove the insane, perverse, criminal, and retarded.

Humanity needs to kick it up a notch; right now we have low biological quality.


@amerika @wjmaggos My issue with eugenics is that the people who direct it make self-interested value judgements that benefits them and theirs and isn't necessarily objective.

Who decides who is "good" and deserves to have more children? Who decides who is "perverse" and should be removed?

The people directed the eugenics program might decide that your group is perverse and should be removed, while their group is "good" and should be subsidized.

Do you see the problem?

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