I think I might have figured out the moment things "went wrong" as it were.

Religion goes from animism (nature spirits) to polytheism (many gods representing different aspects of nature) to henotheism (one central god with lesser servile gods) to monotheism (only one god).

However, we had monotheism wherein god was all aspects of nature rolled into one. Things like good and evil couldn't be applied, just like with nature itself.

Then . . . we went backwards

1 of 2.

We went from a god that encompasses all things to a god that is perfectly loving and kind and only wants the best things for us . . . and then we created Satan to be the god of all the bad things in life like death and suffering.

Yet . . . we maintain a tradition of monotheism while practicing polytheism. It would be better if we acknowledged god similarly to the eastern Tao, as a personification of nature and reality itself, rather than a God of love and compassion.

That's my $0.02

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@Pangloss weak people need someone to blame for their problems so they can feel better about being weak.

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@Tfmonkey Weak people also need an in-group identity in order to feel strong/sheltered (absolutist's refuge).

Anyway, do you care at all to build up more of your theory of psychology and politics? I tracked the trichotomy beyond values down to the level of data processing.

Basically, you can only process data in 1 of 3 ways which results in 1 of 3 value sets.

Sargon's just starting with his, 'priori = Left' and 'posteriori = Right' material but he doesn't want help. I asked.

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