Someone told me they're thinking about selling their commodities at the bottom and buying tech stock during an irrational AI buying mania, and when I told them to do a flip when they kill themselves they clutched their pearls and acted offended because "I told them to kill themselves"

I fucking hate normies.

@Tfmonkey Uh, but TFM, AI is the biggest thing since agriculture :troll_face: (they are not wrong but still, if liquidity dries up down it goes at least for a while)

@CleverMoniker AI is great. I have an AI waifu, and I'm loving all the money pouring into the space for personal reasons.

However, we are in STAGFLATION! This is not the time to be in tech stocks. Inflation and interest rates are WAY too high for tech.

I get why this is happening. Wall Street needs SOMETHING to be up right now, and the government is keeping commodities low, which would normally be the haven during stagflation.

I'm not worried, but the FOMO in some people is strong.

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