This product is just wild to me, it’s a total admission of failure for the kind of writer I hate the most. Undisciplined, uninspired, unenthused writers need to be chained to a desk to complete their craft, they don’t like to write more than they like mindlessly scrolling their goyfeed timelines.

Something is so…..gross about a Hemingway typewriter being churned out at this price, all so “pro independence human rights advocates” can agitate against everything he was and enjoyed while feeling like heirs to his spirit.

Also WTF is hemin’ways “official signature”?

There’s a kind of thing I heard a term for but forgot, where people overbuy baubles and products as a way to motivate themselves to follow through on some goal.

Rich guys will promise their wife they’ll learn to play guitar, and drop $2,000 on a domestic gibson, thinking that the money spent will ensure they look forward to practicing enough to follow through and play every day until they succeed.

Also how is 100,000 words that much? I probably eclipsed that on my poast like, 2 years ago and I do this for fun


@WashedOutGundamPilot I think it's related to the sunk-cost fallacy, wherein people won't walk away from something after they've spent a considerate amount on it. It sounds like they're trying to use these fallacies as "hacks" to motivate them to do something.

It doesn't really work though. It's all about pain. The pain of "wasting" your money needs to exceed the pain of actually doing the thing in question (guitar lessons, going to the gym, etc).

It it doesn't, it won't work.

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