I'm going to keep hammering my point on keeping around deranged weirdos until everyone either gets it or permalogs.

@mkultra She's comparing men who masturbate to sluts who take a mile of dick and have had a dozen abortions.

It's like a drug addicted prostitute with AIDS saying that she shouldn't be judged because people take over-the-counter cold medicine.

The point doesn't nbeed to be belabored, its self evident to anyone with a functioning brain. The actual issue here isn't the substance of what she's saying, its that RW circles give her engagement, even in the outrage mode.

I am a right winger, and my concern online is 1 part entertaining and 1 part political. Women are categorically not political actors and therefore have no real bearing in a political space, their inclusion is to the detriment of said space as such. Women have a lot of value, just not in spaces that teleologically boil down to violence.

I should also attack "incel" discourse as it detaches what is essentially a sociological issue with the phenomenon of liberalism from the systemic critique of liberalism as such and is reframed by a PUA re-appropriation of issues in terms of merely having sex. Access to sex isn't an issue, the real issue is that liberalism has successfully destroyed familial social technology to such an extent that "incel" as a category can be parsed. Properly understood all forms of liberalism must be combated as system and as concept for any resolution to the individual issues discussed to take place. This is the obvious conclusion prevented from taking hold in discourse precisely because of liberalism itself, but this critique isn't really suited to this reply.

Throw out your sex toy and turn to God.
@mkultra @Tfmonkey Sexual abstinence needs to be taught, and enforced with an iron staff. When God said, "Be fruitful and multiply," He wasn't just giving advice, He built that into the biology. We literally can't help being fruitful and multiplying, without a huge input of will. The nuclear family is a nice way to package that, choosing to be fruitful and multiply with only a single person of the opposite sex. But other ways of doing it aren't necessarily bad, just because some old book says so.

No harm? Done in private with consenting adults? No foul.

Involve children, though, and we should be talking about a capital offense.

@billstclair @mkultra sexual abstinence only makes sense and provides the benefits of a traditional family within the context of a patriarchal system.

Even in nature, males protect their mates and offspring. This doesn't need to be taught, as it's natural and automatic if relationships are allowed to form as nature intended.

It's not a coincidence that sexual "liberation" was the second wave of feminism, while anti patriarchal egalitarianism was the first.

@Tfmonkey @mkultra

Turd caught, processed into monkey food, and flung back.
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