is a small amount of testosterone the cure for feminist retardation? obviously i'm not talking about an amount to masculinize them, i'm just suggesting a tiny microdose to get them DTF so they stop hating on men and have kids, and to eliminate "female brain cloud" to give them a shred of intelligence so they don't fall for retarded ideologies. that and some meat because veganism is also traced to hormonal imbalances that lead to ideological idiocy and abnormal social and sexual functioning.

@GrungeQueef when you're dealing with childhood misbehavior, the answer is almost never to give them drugs or to adjust their hormones.

People don't just stop being selfish spoiled assholes just because their hormones are balanced.

The answer is right there at the end of your wrist.

@Tfmonkey >childhood misbehavior
i'm talking about grown ass brainwashed shitlib women that aren't too far gone to be irredeemable
@Tfmonkey @GrungeQueef @Tfmonkey The majority of people today have badly imbalanced hormones, and it starts from day one of life. It's caused by slop diets, polluted drinking water, and for most girls, willfully poisoning themselves with hormonal birth control (which pollutes drinking water for everyone). Note that nigger males have the highest estrogen levels of all humanoid males.
Blocking excess estrogen and incresing testosterone is as simple as eating food that's meant for humans. Broccoli has the highest concentration of a super effective hormone management compound. Alliums are well known to increase testosterone production. Simply eating a diet where the majority of calories come from animal fat (saturated fat), and the rest from a healthy amount of animal protein and real vegetables (not grains and beans), will solve all health issues, both mental and physical (that aren't genetic, or permanent physical damage).
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