I just tasted the cocoa cake I made and it's pretty good, I dosed with half the amount of chocolate they use normally which is about 50% cocoa and I use 100%.
My only issue is that the texture is too thick since it's powdered cocoa instead of a tablet with butter in it. I need to find the right dosage of butter otherwise it's a pain in the ass to pour the thing in the mold.

@mangeurdenuage mix the cocoa and butter first, and adjust to taste, before adding it to the rest of the ingredients and mixing it together. You can also replace the butter with other fats or even apple sauce if you're making a low fat cake.

> mix the cocoa and butter first
That I did.

>You can also replace the butter with other fats or even apple sauce if you're making a low fat cake.
Noted, I'm not allowed to eat apple sauce sadly too much fructose :cry:
I want to also share that I do not avoid animal fats in my diet and I still lost 33Kg, I did however removed all vegetable oil and went from generic butter to grass fed organic butter.
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